Friday 16 January 2015

Veterinary Day

Dr Jose Cruz and his amazing team spent the whole of Tuesday at Amigos de los Animales. The team arrived early to set up for what was going to be a long and busy day. Each of the 96 dogs here received updates or initial treatment on vaccinations for Rabies, Bordetella and Distemper and also were tested for Heartworm and Ehrlichia chaffeensis - a mosquito born parasite, similar to Lyme Tick disease. The team work diligently and quickly, each dog having a medical check for overall condition, dental assessment and nails clipped if required. Some of the dogs were perfect patients, while some really did not enjoy their visit with the vet and did their very best to escape from the treatment table!

Dr Cruz is a regular visitor to ADLA often bringing his mobile surgery van to carry out spaying, neutering or sadly euthanization when required. He recently received international recognition for his humanitarian work.

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