Saturday 10 January 2015

Dead Dog Beach

I did not think I would get to Playa Lucia in my travels of Puerto Rico, but as fate would have it, I stayed two nights in the south eastern corner of the island and it was only a short drive away. I don't think I could prepare myself for what I expected to see, but I was fortunate to be spared the sights described in Stephen McGarva's book: Rescue on Dead Dog Beach. It was midday and the temperature was in the mid eighties. There were no dogs to be seen on my walk through the rows of Palm trees and the beach was also deserted. I was filled with sadness, seeing the tire tracks and paw prints in the sand, overwhelmed by the sense of unimaginable cruelty that takes place in what is supposed to be a tropical paradise. It was little relief not having to put faces to the surviving pack and I left with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.

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